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Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

A Rant About Why It’s Important to Lock Your Computer

A Rant About Why It’s Important to Lock Your Computer

When it comes to network security, there is a lot that can go wrong for your business and countless solutions that you can implement to combat them. However, there are small practices that you can implement on a daily basis to improve security as a whole, so if your collective staff can implement this one easy trick, you might be surprised by how beneficial it can be for your network’s security. This practice? Locking your computer.

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How the Semiconductor Shortage is Influencing Supply Chains Worldwide

How the Semiconductor Shortage is Influencing Supply Chains Worldwide

You may have noticed the recent price increase for consumer and business electronics, and it’s all caused by issues related to the global shortage of computer chips. How have these supply chains, stable for so long, been dealt such a severe blow to the point where acquiring new computers and networking equipment is so challenging? Read on to find out.

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The ABCs of Windows-Key Shortcuts

The ABCs of Windows-Key Shortcuts

The Windows OS is chock-full of capabilities, with many of these given an associated keyboard shortcut for added convenience. Of course, having these capabilities is one thing, but remembering so many is quite a different story. For your reference, we’ve put together a list of the shortcuts associated with the letter keys, with a few extras as a bonus.

Take note of any that you might have particular use for.

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How an Old Computer is Actually Recycled

How an Old Computer is Actually Recycled

Regardless of how well a new device or gadget works when it is first acquired, they certainly don’t last forever. Eventually, the time comes that your old technology needs to be replaced, leaving you to dispose of it. This requires more than just a quick trip to the dumpster, however. These devices need to be properly recycled, as many contain hazardous materials.

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Solid State is a Solid Choice for Your PC’s Main Hard Drive

Solid State is a Solid Choice for Your PC’s Main Hard Drive

If you are buying a new desktop or laptop, one of the specifications you might care about is how much data it can store. After all, your family computer needs plenty of storage for your photos and documents, and if you have kids, they’ll want to install games and other applications on it that fill up a hard drive. These days, however, it’s less about how much space your hard drive has and more about how fast it can run. Let’s explain this, and then talk about something you should almost always look for when picking a hard drive for your PC.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Ways To Speed Up Your Computer

Tip of the Week: 4 Ways To Speed Up Your Computer

A slow computer is many things, but most of all, it’s an annoying problem to have. When you have work that needs to get done, a slow computer can hold you back from reaching your maximum potential. Do you struggle with technology that’s running at less than maximum efficiency? We’ll discuss some of the ways that you can resolve the issue of a slow computer.

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Tablet Sales are Dipping--Here’s a Few Reasons Why

Tablet Sales are Dipping--Here’s a Few Reasons Why

There was once a time that it was expected that the tablet would overtake PCs as the computing device of choice, but the steady decline of tablet sales would suggest that was a prediction that missed the mark. The question is--why? As it turns out, there are a few reasons that the tablet isn’t performing as expected.

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Advanced Computers