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Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

What Threat is a Small Business Really Under?

What Threat is a Small Business Really Under?

Small businesses face a lot of risks, one obvious one being the threat of potential cybercrime and how its influence can impact their businesses. Let’s consider how these influences have taken shape, and the challenges that small and medium-sized businesses must now face as a result.

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Credential Stuffing and How It Can Lead to a Data Breach

Credential Stuffing and How It Can Lead to a Data Breach

Right now, a lot of people have had a lot more time on their hands than they typically would, so many of them are spending a lot of time on the assorted streaming services to entertain themselves. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken note. In light of all this, it seems like an apt time to discuss a particular threat known as credential stuffing.

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Ransomware is a Nasty Thing to Get

Ransomware is a Nasty Thing to Get

Chances are, you’ve heard the term “ransomware” before. If you’re familiar with this particularly nasty bit of malware, the rest of this blog will be a familiar review. If you’re new to the term, let’s introduce you to the mean-spirited cyberattack known as ransomware.

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What Can Be Learned from the Most Recent DBIR

What Can Be Learned from the Most Recent DBIR

Since 2008, Verizon has released an annual report that details the cybersecurity incident trends from the beginning of the year. As usual, this year’s edition provided some insights into the patterns witnessed in 2019, hopefully giving us a greater appreciation for how cybercriminals are shaping their attacks. Let’s go over some of the trends that the Verizon Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed to us.

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4 Cyber Security Bad Habits that You Can Start to Fix Right Now

4 Cyber Security Bad Habits that You Can Start to Fix Right Now

When it comes to hacking and cybercrime, it can literally be a few seconds that will ruin your business. One single chink in your network’s armor is all it takes for your data to be compromised. Modern SMBs need to take every opportunity to ensure they’re using best practices to help keep their network safe and secure. Here’s a look at four network security bad habits that you and your team can fix today.

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It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Educate Yourself on These Threats

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Educate Yourself on These Threats

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! To prepare for this incredibly important month, you’ll want to focus your efforts on ensuring your business is protected against the myriad of online threats that can pose a danger for your business. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. With our trusted IT professionals by your side, you’ll be able to take the fight to hackers and other entities that threaten your data.

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A Thorough Cybersecurity Strategy Begins with Knowing What You Are up Against

A Thorough Cybersecurity Strategy Begins with Knowing What You Are up Against

Since many modern businesses rely on technology, it becomes mandatory that they have an idea on how to best protect themselves against the myriad of threats that can be found online. Knowing what kind of threats that you may encounter is key to concocting a thorough cybersecurity strategy.

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Advanced Computers