Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

Credential Stuffing and How It Can Lead to a Data Breach

Credential Stuffing and How It Can Lead to a Data Breach

Right now, a lot of people have had a lot more time on their hands than they typically would, so many of them are spending a lot of time on the assorted streaming services to entertain themselves. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken note. In light of all this, it seems like an apt time to discuss a particular threat known as credential stuffing.

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Tip of the Week: Basic Best Practices for Working from Home

Tip of the Week: Basic Best Practices for Working from Home

When it comes to ensuring your productivity when working from home, how you do that work matters—both in terms of the technology you put to use, and the habits you develop in order to be productive. Here, we wanted to share a few tips to help you on both fronts. That way, you’re even more likely to enjoy the optimum productivity that’s possible while working remotely.

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Office 365 Gets a New Name

Office 365 Gets a New Name

Microsoft has been a major player in the productivity space for decades. Their Microsoft Office platform was one of their first (and one of their most successful) products. Recently, the software giant rebranded their cloud-based Office 365 platform to Microsoft 365. Today, we’ll tell you what that means for consumers. 

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Now is the Time to Seriously Consider Managed IT

Now is the Time to Seriously Consider Managed IT

So far, 2020 has been a bust, especially for businesses. The challenges that business owners have seen this year have been considerable to say the least: not only have there been economic and political tensions creating roadblocks, we’re now all dealing with the ramifications of an actual pandemic event. If any business is going to make it through all this, there needs to be a few shifts in how business technology is handled from this point on.

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Reviewing the Best Practices of Good Mobile Device Management

Reviewing the Best Practices of Good Mobile Device Management

With Bring Your Own Device and other more mobile tools becoming more and more common (especially with the number of people working from home right now) the ability for a business to retain control of their technology and their data is critical. To accomplish this, Mobile Device Management is an indispensable tool.

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Advanced Computers