Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

Secure Your Data with Backup and Disaster Recovery

Secure Your Data with Backup and Disaster Recovery

Part of being a successful entrepreneur is having a positive mental attitude. After all, pessimists wouldn’t make it far. Stats, however, tell a story regardless of a business owner’s perception.  Statistically, most businesses will have to deal with some sort of “disaster”. That is: a situation where your business will be very much at risk. For this reason, we recommend BDR.

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Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Losing Your Tech While Out and About

Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Losing Your Tech While Out and About

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses into implementing remote operations, such work had been rising in popularity for a while. As a result, this only makes it more important to consider remote work as an option, particularly as the need to socially distance remains pressing.

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Best Practices for Keeping Your Passwords Secure, Yet Memorable

Best Practices for Keeping Your Passwords Secure, Yet Memorable

As the preeminent form of security online, passwords are currently the most important frontline defense to get right in your organization. However, many people often cut corners with their passwords to ensure they don’t forget them, recycling them across their many accounts. Let’s go over a few ways to help your team create secure passwords that they can commit to memory without shortchanging their efficacy.

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Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Google Drive has been around now for over eight years, and in that time it has established itself as one of the best cloud platforms available to consumers. What we thought we would do is give those who are unfamiliar with it, a little introduction to the platform.

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Lost Your Mobile Device? Here’s the First Four Things You Need to Do

Lost Your Mobile Device? Here’s the First Four Things You Need to Do

If you’ve found yourself in the position where your smartphone or tablet is missing, you need to act fast. Time is of the essence, particularly if you have reason to believe your device was stolen. Whether someone absconded with it or you simply forgot it at lunch, here are the critical steps you need to take now—whether you’re an Apple user or on Android.

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Advanced Computers