If I were to ask you what you believed was the biggest potential threat to your business’ future, what would your answer be? The correct answer for most is the risk that an employee might let in a threat—intentionally or not. Let’s investigate how this might happen, and what you need to do to stop it.
Advanced Computers Blog
There is no denying that “collaboration” is one of the biggest business buzzwords right now… and for good reason, since it is a prerequisite for any business seeking to compete in its market. Let’s take a different tack than we usually would and consider some of the non-technical elements your business needs to incorporate to encourage collaborative work.
During this time of year, many people like to sit back and reminisce upon favorite stories from the past. We figured we’d join in the fun by reimagining what many argue to be a holiday classic: Die Hard.
Let’s take a few moments to consider how the story might play out if the action were to take place today…
Businesses of all shapes and sizes rely on the telephone to support their operations, which has historically required no small investment on their part. Today, however, there is a much more cost-effective option in Voice over Internet Protocol (also known as VoIP). Let’s consider a few reasons that businesses should see VoIP as the superior option.