Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

Do You Know Which Remote Users Contribute the Biggest Risks?

Do You Know Which Remote Users Contribute the Biggest Risks?

With so many people working from home right now, businesses have managed to keep their operations going somewhat successfully by using the remote solutions that are available today. While it is fortunate that today’s technology enables businesses to do so, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be understated as remote work is implemented.

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New Smartphones with New (or Older) Shapes

New Smartphones with New (or Older) Shapes

Last week we explored the flagship smartphones that are on the market right now. Today, we wanted to look at some different devices. These devices carry the price tag of a flagship (or cost more), but don’t necessarily have the specs that you would expect from devices priced in that area. They explore new form factors, or in some cases, older form factors. Let’s briefly discuss four innovative new devices.

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Tip of the Week: Let Others Use Your Android Device with Guest Mode

Tip of the Week: Let Others Use Your Android Device with Guest Mode

While loaning out your mobile device probably isn’t something you’re particularly keen to do right now, this may have been the case even before there were health concerns involved. After all, your phone really is just a little package of your personal data. What you may not have known, however, is that Android has had a feature—Android Guest Mode—that can help protect you since Android 5.0 Lollipop came out in 2014.

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Ransomware is Now Even Less Affordable to Consider Paying

Ransomware is Now Even Less Affordable to Consider Paying

We haven’t exactly been shy about sharing our recommendation that a ransomware demand should never be met with payment, but there is now an even more impactful reason not to. This deterrent comes courtesy of the United States Treasury Department, which has released a statement informing businesses of potential fines as retribution for doing so.

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2020 Smartphone Flagships You Should Know

2020 Smartphone Flagships You Should Know

Millions of people have moved off the traditional computer and now use their smartphone for most of their browsing and other tasks, with new devices coming out regularly to help them do so. Let’s take a few minutes to examine the latest devices available today.

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Advanced Computers