We often think of technology as something that is meant to help us, all without doing anything for it in return. The problem with this mindset is that you need to take care of your technology if you want it to keep your business ahead of the game. We’ll go over some technology maintenance tips to ensure that you know how to take care of your business technology--primarily your office workstations.
Advanced Computers Blog
Remember the good old days of your office’s corded telephone solution that was ringing off the hook every minute of the day? Granted, you can only look back on the good old days when they are behind you. If you need to bring business communications into the 21st century, you should consider implementing a Voice over Internet Protocol solution.
We live in an era where the term “fake news” makes up a significant portion of the headlines. The Internet makes it very easy to misinform others and spread false rumors or news, as you can do so relatively anonymously with little fear of consequence. This has become a problem on social media sites like Facebook, which recently shut down a major “troll farm” in response to continued complaints.
Writing for a specific audience isn’t always the easiest thing for a business owner. You have to anticipate a certain reading level for your target audience. The readability of a document can have far-reaching consequences. For example, what if you write a business proposal, but the prospect grows impatient when they can’t understand what’s written in it? Thankfully, there are various tools at your disposal that can help you craft the perfect document for your purpose.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! To prepare for this incredibly important month, you’ll want to focus your efforts on ensuring your business is protected against the myriad of online threats that can pose a danger for your business. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. With our trusted IT professionals by your side, you’ll be able to take the fight to hackers and other entities that threaten your data.