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Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

Tip of the Week: Cortana Makes Keeping Track of Your Team Easier

Tip of the Week: Cortana Makes Keeping Track of Your Team Easier

Cortana is a very useful assistant to have around the office, but did you know how useful Cortana can be in other aspects of your life? With football season underway, we felt it was appropriate to share how Cortana can help you follow your favorite teams. Of course, this will work for any sport, and it is a very easy process.

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For Business Purposes, VoIP Just Makes Sense

For Business Purposes, VoIP Just Makes Sense

Voice over Internet Protocol, more commonly referred to as VoIP, has quickly become the most practical and efficient choice for a small business’ communication solution. While most businesses using VoIP can share their positive experience with VoIP, some people don’t even know what it is. We’re here to help you thoroughly understand what VoIP is, and point out the many benefits that your organization can stand to gain by implementing VoIP.

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Cortana Toy Pulled Among Security Concerns

Cortana Toy Pulled Among Security Concerns

Smart technologies are becoming more and more prevalent in everyday life. As such, it may not be a bad idea to prepare today’s children for their technology-filled tomorrow. However, as Mattel discovered with their kid-targeted smarthome hub, Aristotle, it is important to make sure that these devices are secure enough to ensure the safety of their youthful users.

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Tip of the Week: Want Faster Wi-Fi? Look To Your Router!

Tip of the Week: Want Faster Wi-Fi? Look To Your Router!

A faster Internet connection seems to always be on a user’s wishlist. Achieving this goal may be in reach, as the hold-up may actually be caused by your router. For this week’s tip, we’ll go through some steps to adjusting your router to speed up your Internet connection.

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The Cloud Can Effectively Be Used For File Sharing

The Cloud Can Effectively Be Used For File Sharing

Businesses today rely on technology, and as a result, their means of getting the resources they need are shifting and advancing. Consequently, cloud-based offerings have become popular because of their capabilities in the workplace. One of these capabilities has become particularly popular due to its utility to businesses: file sharing.

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Advanced Computers