Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

Should You Really Trust Your Staff?

Should You Really Trust Your Staff?

In a word, yes.

While that answer may seem insufficient for such a broad question, you truly should, and there are many reasons why. Let’s get right into how trusting your staff can bring your business and its operations some significant benefits.

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Tip of the Week: Warning Signs of a Phishing Scam

Tip of the Week: Warning Signs of a Phishing Scam

According to the latest edition of Microsoft’s regular Security Intelligence Report, phishing attacks are the most prevalent cyberthreat. Considering what is currently going on in the world, this is almost assuredly still the case, which means that businesses and individuals alike need to be more aware of how to spot these attempts. To help, we’ve put together a few tips.

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Does Miscommunication Increase with a Remote Workforce?

Does Miscommunication Increase with a Remote Workforce?

The rise of the remote worker was happening long before the Novel Coronavirus outbreak made it necessary. People in all manners of positions were working remotely, and succeeding in doing so. Many organizations that have embraced the remote worker have seen noteworthy rises in productivity. In fact, many organizations have seen a lot of success using predominantly remote workers. 

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Our Recommendations for Your Wireless Network

Our Recommendations for Your Wireless Network

The typical business network will contain quite a few critical assets that need to be protected, which means that you need to seriously consider anything you add to that network. Take the wireless network that your business uses--how secure is it, and how well does it work? Well, we have a few ways that you can ensure that the answer to both these questions is “well.”

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How to Reduce Your Business’ Use of Paper

How to Reduce Your Business’ Use of Paper

While there are plenty of ways that a business can cut costs in the long term, one very effective way that this can be accomplished is by adopting more paperless solutions and printing less. As an added bonus, these solutions are also better for the environment as a whole, as they reduce the amount of resources being expended to do business. Let’s go over a few ways that you could cut back on your business’ paper expenditures over time.

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Advanced Computers