The World Health Organization has been increasingly associated with cybercrime as of late, both as a target and as a spoofed entity. Naturally, this is to be somewhat anticipated, giving the continued global health crisis that we are all facing. Let’s go over some of the events that the WHO has been associated with as of late.
Advanced Computers Blog
Only a few months into the year, it has been made abundantly clear that 2020 will be considered one of the tougher years for business in recent memory. With a pandemic leading many, many businesses to scale back drastically (if not shut down outright), there are many things that are bound to change. To give your own the best chance of survival, there is perhaps no more appropriate time to consider a change over to a managed approach to IT services.
Whether you’re referring to ransomware, phishing, data theft, spoofing, any of the many forms of cybercrime, it is something that all businesses need to prepare themselves for. While different business sizes will have differing scales to contend with, these kinds of preparations will involve the same basic principles. To help you best defend your company against cybercrime, here are a few tips based on those principles.
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most remarkable situations that will happen in our lives. Unfortunately for businesses, mandated stay-at-home orders for non-essential workers have pushed a lot of the work that typically was done in the office to employees’ homes. This has necessitated many businesses to make a quick digital transformation.
In the modern workplace, collaboration plays a critical role. Successful businesses depend on a collaborative effort to create their products or deploy their services. With the world on pause because of the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud computing has strong and useful tools for businesses for its cost effectiveness and its ability to support remote workers. Today, we are going to look at some of the cloud-based collaboration tools businesses are using to keep their businesses in action.