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Advanced Computers Blog

Advanced Computers is a full service IT Company. We empower our clients with solution and support they need to leverage technology for their business, data and voice IP services, as well as managed IT services including cloud computing, data centers, virtualization, security applications and support services.

Tip of the Week: 2 Ways Cloud Computing Can Fuel Productivity

Tip of the Week: 2 Ways Cloud Computing Can Fuel Productivity

These days, we use a lot of cloud platforms. They can enhance productivity through improving access, and they allow a business to do more with their capital. For this week’s tip, we thought we’d look at two ways the cloud can help your business excel with its newly-remote workforce.

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Make Sure Your Conferencing Solution is Secure

Make Sure Your Conferencing Solution is Secure

With so many people forced to work from home, your conferencing solution is likely getting a workout. With news coming in suggesting that many of the most popular video conferencing software titles have vulnerabilities, it is important for your business to find one that is reliable and promotes security. Today, we’ll go through how to ensure that your video conferencing software is getting the security attention it needs to be an effective option for your business. 

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What COVID-19 Has Meant for SMBs

What COVID-19 Has Meant for SMBs

COVID-19 has been pretty rough on the small business. Millions of businesses have either been forced to suspend or alter operations. Today, we wanted to point out that you may be distracted with a lot of things, but your business’ cybersecurity efforts need to be a priority.

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How to Stop Viruses (and Bacteria!) Lurking on Your Computer

How to Stop Viruses (and Bacteria!) Lurking on Your Computer

It only makes sense that a managed service provider would have a blog post discussing virus removal from a workstation, but today, we wanted to talk about a different virus, one that your antivirus software won’t affect in the slightest: SARS-CoV-2, or as it is better known now, COVID-19.

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How Technology Can Assist Education Right Now

How Technology Can Assist Education Right Now

The influence of COVID-19 has permeated through most aspects of daily life, from the way we live, communicate, work, and for many, the way we learn. As schools must remain closed for now, that is not to say that the learning process will necessarily be suspended for all. Many institutions already have the necessary tools in place to continue their students’ education in the form of remote learning, but for many, this is uncharted territory.

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Advanced Computers